Variable delay Go/No-Go task data
Included are data files for the various behavioral task conditions. Each subfolder (Go, Lever Press Acquisition, Lever Tone Acquisition, and No-go) contains individual folders for the rats that underwent the specified task condition with a brief task sequence/results file and timestamp file named by the date of the training session. For each training session there is one task sequence/results file and one timestamp file. The files will retain their format when opened using Microsoft Excel (Windows, USA). Task sequence/results file: The far left column of this file states the trial number. The second column (Task Condition) states the behavioral task condition. The third column states the frequency of the presented tone. The fourth column lists either a 1 for a correctly performed trial or a 0 for an incorrectly performed trial. The fifth column lists the number of licks for the given trial. The sixth column lists the number of lever presses with the left lever, which was inactive for this experiment. The seventh column lists the number of lever presses with the right forepaw lever for the respective trial. The eighth column states if a correction trial was used (0 corresponding to no correction trial, 1 corresponding to correction trial). Timestamp file: The first pair of columns on the left represent the time that licking began and the time that it ended. The next two columns represent left lever on and off times. The third pair of columns represents the onset of right lever pressing and the offset of right lever pressing. The fourth pair of columns shows the onset and offset of white noise. The fifth pair of columns shows the onset and offset of the delivery of the final reward. The sixth pair of columns shows the onset and offset of the initiation tone. The seventh pair of columns shows the onset and offset of the final reward tone. The eighth pair of columns shows the onset and offset of the first reward that is delivered in the presence of initiation of a trial.