Relationships between raw and realized modularity
Relationships between raw and realized modularity for 290 networks, including the results of null models
w - web number
q - raw (Louvain) modularity
nm - number of modules
qr - realized modularity
ed - number of edges
no - number of nodes
co - connectance
qe - random expectation of Louvain modularity
eqe - variance of the random modularity expectation
qre - random expectation of realised modularity
eqre - variance of the random realized modularity expectation
rq - rank (based on modularity)
rqr - ranked (based on realized modularity)
dq - empirical - random modularity
dqr - empirical - random realized modularity
w - network (unipartite) number
Wa(R) - modularity and realized modularity with the walktrap method
Sp(R) - with the spinglass algorithm
Eb(R) - with the edge-betweenness method