Raw data - Respiratory events in patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery
Column Z-AD: continuous data recording, time calculated for each desaturaton
Column AE-AL: overnight monitoring recorded every 5 minutes datapoints, datapoints counted and analyzed (first patients) data collected both ways in 22 patients, found good correlation and decided to use both data sets
Column W: hydromorphone plus hydromorphone equivalent
Column X: sum column (M+P+W+O/7+Q/7)
of note: some PCA dilaudid doses were given in PACU and then Column X was accordingly adjusted
PACU: Postanesthesia Care Unit
dilaudid: hydromorphone
OSA: obstructive sleep apne
CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure
BMI: body-mass-index
SOB: shortness of breath
HTN: Hypertension
No: number
Q5MIN: every 5 minutes
% missing: missing time as percent of total monitoring time
% of time < 90%: oxygen saturation below 90% as percent of total monitoring time
% of time % Desaturations: column AK / AI in percent
For a respiratory event, specific notes were made that are not included in the table but can be found in the article