Pre-harvest nut damage and post-harvest mummy nut removal by birds in an Australian almond plantation.
Pre-harvest nut damage. Contains data on the number of almonds on each lateral branch at the beginning of the experiment (‘Total almonds’), the number eaten by birds (‘Eaten by birds’), and the percentage of total nuts damaged (‘percent damaged’) for trees exposed to birds (‘Open trees’) at two almond blocks (‘Almond block; 1, 2’) in either edge or interior block rows (‘Row location; edge, interior’). Data are also provided for trees excluding birds (‘Netted trees’) showing the number of almonds on each lateral branch at the beginning of the experiment (‘Total almonds’), the number lost to non-bird factors (e.g. storms) (‘Non-bird nut loss’), and the percentage of total nuts lost (‘percent loss’) at two almond blocks in either edge or interior block rows.
Post-harvest mummy nut removal. Contains data on the number of mummy nuts on each lateral branch at the beginning of the experiment (‘Total mummy nuts’), the number eaten by birds (‘Eaten by birds’), and the percentage of total nuts eaten (‘percent eaten’) for trees exposed to birds (‘Open trees’) at two almond blocks (‘Almond block; 1, 2’) in either edge or interior block rows (‘Row location; edge, interior’). Data are also provided for trees excluding birds (‘Netted trees’) showing the number of mummy nuts on each lateral branch at the beginning of the experiment (‘Total mummy nuts’), the number lost to non-bird factors (‘Non-bird nut loss’), and the percentage of total nuts lost (‘percent loss’) at two almond blocks in either edge or interior block rows.
Data shows the relationship between % bird damage to the almond crop ('percent bird damage') and the cost to growers ('AUD cost/ha') based on a wholesale almond price of $5.05 kg-1 (dashed line in Figure 5a in main article). The relationship between the cost of replacing the ecosystem service based on varying the salary rate for mechanical shaker drivers - 'Replacement cost (salary rate/hr)' and the ecosystem-service value (bold line in Figure 5a in main article). Also shown is the relationship between the cost of replacing the ecosystem service based on varying the time spent hand-poling a tree where salary rates are held constant at $15.96 hr-1 - 'Replacement cost (minutes /tree)' and the ecosystem-service value (bold line in Figure 5b in main article). All cost values are in US dollars.