CONSORT_checklist.pdf (188.98 kB)
OlanzTimeZero_no_PHITI.csv (1.55 kB)
BPRS-ID_and_subscale_no_PHI.csv (0.96 kB)
PDOlanz_no_PHI.csv (8.16 kB)
Protocol.pdf (130.98 kB)
5 files

Negative results from a randomized controlled trial of olanzapine for psychosis in Parkinson disease: data, CONSORT checklist and initial study protocol

Version 6 2013-11-01, 08:35
Version 5 2013-11-01, 08:35
Version 4 2013-10-08, 11:13
Version 3 2013-10-08, 11:12
Version 2 2013-10-08, 11:20
Version 1 2013-07-09, 15:11
posted on 2013-11-01, 08:35 authored by Michelle J Nichols, Johanna M Hartlein, Meredith GA Eicken, Brad A Racette, Kevin J Black

CONSORT checklist

Subject characteristics at study entry: S#, subject ID for this study; DRUG, olanzapine dose (mg) this patient took; ADJUST, whether the dose of antiparkinsonian medication was adjusted at the week 2 visit. For remaining columns, the trailing zero in the column heading refers to the score at the baseline (week 0) visit; see Methods section for references. BPRST, BPRS total score; BPRSP, BPRS psychosis items subscore; PDQ, PDQ39 score; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; HamD, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; CGIMDo/a, Clinical Global Impression score for overall clinical state as rated by investigator; INS, insomnia score from sleep rating scale; HYPIN, hypersomnia score from sleep rating scale; SEADLS, Schwab-England score; BlindKB, investigator guess at week 4 as to drug assignment; BlindPt., patient guess at week 4 as to drug assignment.

Outcomes other than blinded BPRS ratings: S#, subject ID for this study; DRUG, olanzapine dose (mg) this patient took; ADJUST, whether the dose of antiparkinsonian medication was adjusted at the week 2 visit; change, details of that change; use0-2, analyze this subject’s data in the ANOVA for weeks 0-2; use2-4, analyze this subject’s data in the ANOVA for weeks 2-4; WD, ended study participation early; WDSE, withdrew from study because of side effects; WDnowork, withdrew from study because of lack of benefit; WDcure, withdrew from study because subject pronounced self “cured” after one dose; SAEs, serious adverse events; mild SEs, mild side effects; other, other comments on efficacy or side effects; handed, right- or left-handed. For remaining columns, the trailing numeral in the column heading refers to the score at the visit from week 0, 2, or 4. See Methods section for additional information. VH, visual hallucinations present; AH, auditory hallucinations present; Del, delusions present; BPRST, BPRS total score; BPRSP, BPRS psychosis items subscore; 1UPDRS, UPDRS subscale 1; 2UPDRS, UPDRS subscale 2 (etc.); PDQ, PDQ39 score; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; HamD, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; CGI, Clinical Global Impression scale; CGIMD, CGI rated by investigator; CGI…overall, CGI score for overall clinical state; CGIPT, CGI rated by patient; CGI…hall, CGI for hallucinations; CGI…improve, CGI improvement from study initiation; INS, insomnia score from sleep rating scale; BlindJH, study RN guess at week 4 as to drug assignment; BlindKB, investigator guess at week 4 as to drug assignment; BlindKBdrug, same, collapsed to simply olanzapine vs placebo (no dose category); BlindPt., patient guess at week 4 as to drug assignment; BlindBR, guess of study neurologist at week 4 as to drug assignment; 0/5/10, whether this subject was enrolled under the initial study drug assignment (placebo vs 5 or 10mg); HYPIN, hypersomnia score from sleep rating scale; SEADLS, Schwab-England score.

Blinded BPRS ratings from videotape: video ID#, code by which blinded videotape reviewer scored each video segment; BPRS-T, BPRS total score; BPRS-P, BPRS psychosis items subscore.


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