Sokoke_Pipit_sightings_data.csv (0.38 kB)
Vegetation_assessment_data.csv (2.42 kB)
Ground_litter_assessment_data.csv (2.15 kB)
Elephant_damage_data.csv (1.24 kB)
4 files

Arabuko-Sokoke forest ecological data: Sokoke Pipit abundance, vegetation survey results, floor litter measures and elephant damage in three forest blocks

posted on 2014-02-19, 09:11 authored by Nickson Erick Otieno, David Ngala, Alex Mwalimu

Sokoke Pipit.
Data showing sightings for Sokoke Pipits Anthus sokokensis encountered across the transects surveyed. Shows the data on the number of Sokoke Pipit detected in the transects of the study area including specification of the forest block where the transect occurs, the survey number, abundance of Sokoke pipit individuals or clusters detected, and the perpendicular sighting distance (in metres) from the transect centre.

Vegetation assessment
Data on vegetation survey and assessment in all transects surveyed. Contains data on the transects along which the vegetation was surveyed, including the forest block name, transect number, quadrat number within transect, breast-height size classes of live and cut tree stems that were counted (0 to 30 cm, 31 to 60 cm and over 60 cm), percent forest canopy cover score and tree canopy height, representing height of tallest trees. Canopy cover scores were translated into 0-33 % (open); 34-66 % (moderate) and >66 % (closed).

Forest floor litter assessment
Data on forest floor assessment across the transects in all forest blocks surveyed. Contains data on floor assessment in each transect surveyed including names of forest blocks, transect and quadrat numbers in the blocks, litter cover scores in three categories (little or no cover; moderately covered and fully covered); and litter depth measurements in three different points in the quadrats. Forest floor litter cover scores were translated into 0-33 % (open/bare ground); 34-66 % (moderate) and >66 % (covered).

Elephant damage assessment
Data on extent of damage by elephants. Contains data on evaluation of degree of damage of habitat by elephants, roughly assessed by the number of trees felled or bent and observation of ground-digging by elephants. This data is available for Kararacha and Narasha blocks only and thus incomplete for overall analysis.

