
Antibiotic sensitivity data for the bacterial strain LMJ (Bacterium strain clone LIB091_C05_1243 variant 16S ribosomal RNA; GenBank Accession # MN633292.1).

posted on 2020-06-12, 18:47 authored by Mautusi MitraMautusi Mitra, Kevin Manoap-Anh-Khoa Nguyen, Taylor Wayland Box, Jesse Scott Gilpin, Seth Ryan Hamby, Taylor Lynne Berry, Erin Harper Duckett
The Excel data file, Data S1 LMJ.xlsx contain information about the means and standard deviations of the zones of inhibitions of the bacterial strain LMJ and Chlamydomonas, induced by 4 antibiotics.

The Excel data file, Data S2 LMJ.xlsx contain statistical analyses of the zones of inhibitions of the bacterial strain LMJ and Chlamydomonas, induced by 4 antibiotics.

Antibiotics used are: Penicillin, Chloramphenicol, Neomycin & Polymyxin B. Three biological replicates were used for the generation of the data. Two different doses of antibiotics were used: 50 and 100 micrograms of each antibiotic.


University of West Georgia, College of Science & Mathematics Faculty Research Grant (2018).
